Sunday, October 5, 2014

Where Oh Where Have I Been???

I had planned to debut my return to blogging via The Sunday Night Chit-Chat this week but as of 8:45 pm (PDT), Carla's Sunday Night Chit-Chat was not up yet sooo...WHERE HAVE I BEEN FOR THE LAST TWO AND A HALF MONTHS!!!

I needed a break for a lot of reasons and a few of them are...

  • Major Dental Procedure
    • In August I had the LANAP dental procedure done. The results have been amazing and we will continue to see results over the next year. This procedure is for periodontitis and I am so happy with the current health of my mouth. Are you aware that periodontal disease is linked to heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, stroke and osteoporosis? I wasn't either!
  • New Puppy
    • We have a new puppy and his name is Wilson. He is sooo sweet and fun and a lot of work! We are still working on housebreaking him but may have to result to tough love. I will definitely get my new flooring after this puppy!!!
  • Cleaning/Organizing
    • We bought a new Tempur-Pedic mattress and moved our old mattress with it's feather bed topper out to our Casita (detached guest room). So, before we put our old bed out there, we had to clean it from top to bottom. Then, before we put the new mattress in our room, we cleaned it from top to bottom and rearranged furniture. Both rooms look amazing!!! They just need to be repainted but that will be another day.

I recently visited my daughter and granddaughter for a week. DD celebrated another birthday and I always love to be there for that. One of her sweet neighbors brought her the most amazing loaf of Artisan bread she had made herself. I was able to visit with her about how she bakes her bread and am so excited to get started making my own. She sent me home with starter and lots of links to get the equipment, book, and instructions for baking! Baking bread is one of my favorite things to do so am looking forward to branching out into making beautiful Artisan bread to go with the many pots of soup I plan to make this fall and winter:)

Also while visiting, we went to a darling tea house for lunch. The food, fellowship (two of DD's friends went with us), environment and tea were all exceptional! I have a card somewhere with the name of the tea house on it but can't seem to find it after I got home:( And, of course, it wouldn't have been a real visit without papercrafting with the ladies! I will share the results of that later this week!

I am looking forward to blogging again and connecting with you! Thank you for your patience.



  1. Replies
    1. Anything above "normal" is sometimes too much for me. With Fall, things are starting to slow down a bit:)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lena! I have been reading your blog and am anxiously awaiting the birth of your twins! Not more than you are however:)
